
Category: Győrság

Church of St Joseph the Worker

Category: Győrság

The worshippers from the village and its neighbouring villages supported the construction of the church by their donations and work. It was dedicated on 22 August 1958. Its entrance is adorned with a statue of the Virgin Mary, while those entering it are welcomed by a relief of St Anthony. The altarpiece depicting St Joseph and his apprentice, the adolescent Jesus, in the carpentry workshop was painted by Antal Borsa. The pictures at the 14 stations of the Way of the Cross are also his work. The sanctuary boasts a statue of Mary and a statue of the Heart of Jesus. The bell was cast in 1799 by Gáspár Hendel. The stone cross in front of the church was created in 1904, while the stone statue of St Joseph in the churchyard is from the Ursulines in Győr.

Category: Győrság

Evangelical Church

Category: Győrság

Until 1964, the two Protestant dominations had a common bell on the Kiáltó Hill in Ság, which is now housed in the Reformed church’s tower. The bell of the Evangelical Church built in 1958 was once a small bell at the Sopron Evangelical Teacher Training Institute. The steel bell, 62 cm in diameter, comes from Bochum in Germany and was cast in 1858. The baptismal and communion vessels owned by the congregation are the same age as the church. The Ciborium, or wafer holder, was a gift from those confirmed in 2002. The interior was remodelled based on Gábor Winkler’s plans, with an ambo replacing the demolished pulpit altar.

Category: Győrság

Győrság Reformed Church

Category: Győrság

In 1683, the Turkish army besieging Pannonhalma also destroyed Ság and its church. The Reformed worshippers built a teacher’s flat, a school and a church with mud-plastered walls. The current church with its ten-metre-high tower was built by Ság’s small congregation without any outside support. The interior of the building consecrated by Bishop Benő Békerfi measures 7 metres by 17 metres and can seat 130. The church has a memorial plaque to János Szecsei, the martyred galley-slave priest. The memorial plaque on the wall proclaims: “Built to the glory of God in 1963-1968.” The 95-kg bell was cast in 1872 by Frigyes Seltenhofer in Sopron.

Category: Győrság

Church of St Anne

Category: Győrság

The church was built in 1748 on the ruins of the Árpád-era chapel. It was extended in 1910 and a chapel added. The Baroque high altar features gilded statues of St Florian and St Paul. The altarpiece between them depicts St Anne, St Joachim and their daughter Mary. The side altar’s colourful statue of the Virgin Mary was carved from linden from Győrság by the worshippers to give thanks for the heavenly shelter experienced during the war.