
Category: Mihályi

Szent Péter és Szent Pál-templom

Category: Mihályi

A 13. század második felében épített templomra 1529-ben a szájhagyomány szerint a törökök félholdas zászlót tűztek ki. A reformáció után 1673-ig az evangélikusok használták a templomot. Az Árpád-kori istenháza napjainkban is őrzi román és gótikus részleteit, a félköríves apszist, a déli homlokzat csúcsíves ablakait és a kőkeretes ajtót. 1658-ban új tornyot kapott a templom. A 18. század végén barokk stílusban átépítettek és támpillérekkel erősítettek meg, hogy a dongaboltozatot elbírják a falak. A szögekkel kivert ajtón belépve a villogó fehérség és a mélykék szentély ellentéte fogadja a látogatót. A szentélyt betöltő festmény 1893-ban készült. E falképén – a Szentháromság alatt – a névadó apostolok, Péter és Pál láthatók. A barokk szószékre faragott evangéliumi jelenet Jézus és a szamariai asszony találkozását ábrázolja. A két keretezett „karácsonyi” festmény (a pásztorok imádása, a háromkirályok hódolata) szintén barokk munka. Ezeknél is régebbi alkotás a máriacelli kegyszobor másolata.

Category: Mihályi

Public Monumental Statues

Category: Mihályi

There are various protected monumental statues in the village. The oldest of them is the Baroque Holy Trinity column on Rába Square, erected in 1691. It was erected thanks to György Niczky, who played a key role in the rebuilding of Mihályi during the ravages of the Turks and then the Rákóczi War of Independence. He also had the Baroque statue of St John of Nepomuk erected in 1738 next to the bridge over the Small Rába. There are also two statues of Mary in the churchyard: the “Queen of Heaven” carved in 1700 and the extraordinarily beautiful “Immaculata” created in 1780.Mary Magdalene and St Peter are depicted in relief on the bottom part of the stone cross erected in 1763 in the cemetery. There are also several monumental tombs, richly decorated with statues and reliefs, that were constructed at the beginning of the 1800s.

Category: Mihályi

Lutheran Church

Category: Mihályi

The church was built in 1936, originally as a Lutheran school. Two years later, in 1938, a three-storied bell tower with clock was added. The school building was also used as a prayer house. It was renovated in 1989-90 and then converted to a church. It was insulated and its exterior renovated in 2010-2012, while, at the same time, its sign stating “People’s education” was returned to the wall. There is a Jesus altarpiece and also a picture depicting Martin Luther in the simple church.

Category: Mihályi

Holy Trinity Church

Category: Mihályi

It was documented in the 14th century as St George’s Church, but in 1700, only its walls were mentioned. It was rebuilt in 1712 in Baroque style and extended in 1757 with two side aisles. An interesting feature of the tower is the four angel statues at the corners of the steeple.The rimmed Rococo high altar was made around 1750 and boasts a double pedestal. There is a Baroque statue depicting four saints between the Corinthian columns. A statue of St George stands above the three-piece cornice. On its pediment, angels are holding the Niczky family’s coat-of-arms. The high altar’s lower picture depicts the Holy Trinity and the crowning of the Virgin Mary as she is received into heaven while the upper one depicts St Michael triumphing over Satan. The side altar is decorated with nine Baroque statues dating from 1760. The marble baptismal font and the Rococo carving above it date from around 1750. The Rococo Easter candelabra also dates from this time.The sweeping frescoes reminiscent of Baroque style and the images of the copper-embossed station series were created at the beginning of the 20th century. There is a rock chapel in the church as well as some old armoried tombs.