One of the most beautifully located Calvarias is that of Tatabánya Felsőgalla, although not much is known about its history. Judge János Fogl ordered the building of the Calvary Hill Chapel, the road leading to it and the stations in honour of Our Lady of the Sorrows in the 1850s. In 2008, the Felsőgalla congregation beautifully renovated the Calvary and the chapel, which already stood in ruins. The trapezoidal sanctuary houses the statue received as a gift from the Frankfurt church. Address: Tatabánya-Felsőgalla, Calvary Hill Further information: Central parish office2800 Tatabánya, Gellért tér 6.06-34-337-422banhidaiplebania@gmail.com
Óváros, one of Tatabánya’s predecessor settlements, got its first Roman Catholic church by favour of MÁK Rt. The neo-Gothic church was built in 1912 in the mining settlement based on the plans of architect József Ullein. In the 1970s, the basilica-shaped, 12-columned, three-naved church underwent complete renovation with the assistance of Imre Makovecz among others. The church’s interior design and its organ make it suitable for concerts. The Polish nuns who took care of the sick during times of war are buried under the sanctuary apse. Address: 2800 Tatabánya, Május1 tér 5Kermesse (patronal festival): 20 August Further information: Central parish office2800 Tatabánya, Gellért tér 6.06-34-337-422banhidaiplebania@gmail.com