
Category: Bogyoszló

Church of St Cosmas and Damian

Category: Bogyoszló

The Classicist-style church was built in 1836. Its interior is decorated with murals painted by Gábor Döbrentey in 1941-1942: the nave’s vaulting is a gallery of the Hungarian saints while the sanctuary’s vaulting depicts the birth of Jesus with the shepherds and the three kings paying homage. The high altar’s ornaments are the tabernacle next to two statues of angels, with a painting depicting the martyrs of St Cosmas and St Damian above it. A statue of the Virgin of Lourdes stands in the recess of the Mary altar. The pulpit was created around 1800 whereas the statue of Mary from Venice in 1760 (both are older than the church). 20th century works: Masa Feszty’s oil painting depicting St Rita and Jenő Pintér’s eye-catching carved wooden altar and lectern from Bogyoszló. The tower houses one of Hungary’s oldest bells (the “Sanctus bell”) cast in 1513. A composition created in 1808 stands in front of the church and consists of statue of the direful Mary together with the figures of St Wendel and St Florian.