Holy Spirit Church
The unusual shaped church and parish building sanctified in 1987 was designed by Péter Ráskai. The three-piece fresco-secco depicting an Emmaus scene in the atrium and the murals in the sanctuary of the crypt depicting the eight beatitudes and the resurrected Christ were painted by Asztrik Kákonyi. The stained-glass windows on the two sides of the sanctuary depicting the crucifixion of Jesus and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit were designed by him and constructed by Attila Mohai.
Two enamel pieces made by László Barabás can be seen on the wall of the sanctuary: above the figure of Christ almost bending from the cross, under it the tabernacle door with the Eucharist symbols (chalice, ear of wheat, grapes).
The statues depicting Saint Therese of Lisieux, Saint Anthony and Saint Francis of Assisi, as well as Saint Joseph are the artistic carvings of Ferenc Berecz.
The two series of glass mosaics designed by Imre Tolnay were made by István Krizsán: the 9 Biblical scenes covering the balustrade of the gallery and the 14 stations of the cross. The mosaic depicting the Merciful Jesus was created by Szilvia Krizsán.
The statues of the nourishing and teaching Christ and of Our Lady of Lourdes (works of Tibor Rieger), as well as the statue of Saint Pope John Paul II (work of Ervin Páljános) are standing on the square in front of the church.