St Ladislaus Church
The church, built in 1777 and rebuilt in 1883 in a romantic style, was consecrated by János Zalka, the Bishop of Győr. On the main altar, King László (Ladislaus I of Hungary) brings forth water for his thirsty soldiers. The image of one of the side altars depicts the mystic devoted to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, St Margaret of Alocoque. The central figure of the other side alter is a statue of Mary with statues of St Elizabeth and St John the Evangelist alongside it. The church is adorned with 12 stained glass windows, which are works of Ágoston Vermes and József Palka. Hungarian saints (King Saint Stephen, Saint Emeric of Hungary, Elizabeth of Hungary, Margaret) and the illustrious saints of the Catholic church (Mary, Joseph, Anne, Martin, Catherine of Alexandria, Rosalia, Francis of Assisi and Anthony of Padua) are depicted in the glass images. The 14 Stations of the Cross were created from Zsolnay porcelain in 1974.