Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary
The Roman Catholic church is the oldest, most important built monument in the village. It is first mentioned in a donation letter dated 1333, which divided the Plavecký štvrtok estate between two brothers from the Hont-Pázmány clan, Peter and Sebus (II). The part of the village where the church stands ended up in Peter’s hands. The church reflects the spirit of the age: it had to be something that did not yet exist elsewhere. At the same time, it is characterised by the strict symmetry of the Roman Catholic churches of the era – an oriented church, meaning that the main nave, the tower and the altar were oriented towards the east. The arches and vaulting are typical of the early Gothic era (1150 and subsequently), thus less bold and more rounded. The walls of the main nave, on which the vaulted ceiling rests, were built of brick and laid out with stone. This was one way in which to increase the load-bearing capacity of the walls without increasing their thickness. The load of the vaulting is partially borne by buttresses placed at regular intervals along the outer girth of the church. Following its late-18th-century reconstruction, the church was consecrated to the Assumption of the Virgin Mary.